The 3 M’s Morals, Mind, and Money.

Background Picture: Hieronymus Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights

The three M’s Morals, Mind, and Money are the three pillars for my book Wealth of Generations. Each of these three pillars will need to be mastered before we can create Generations of wealth.



It all begins with values and morals. Every culture has its own value system. But every culture has developed a paradigm of habits, which will lead its people to poverty or wealth. We are mostly not aware of how our morals steer us in one certain direction in our life. This book helps become more aware of our morals and how they affect our ability to generate wealth.


An intelligent and knowledgeable mind is the basis for all activities that are required to build and manage wealth. We go to school to learn basic things in life like math and language and history. However, our school does not teach us about personal investing and how to create generational wealth. This book catches up with that knowledge and gives us tools that we have not learned in school.


Of course, money is the most visible pillar of wealth. You can see money by the things that money can buy. But generating money is not the goal of this journey–it is the result.

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Only The 3 M’s gives us the power to move things.

The ability to move things forward in life increases with solid morals, a sharp mind, and, yes, … Money.